
Inventions and Inventors GK Quiz Question and Answer

Inventor and Inventions GK Questions

Inventor and Inventions GK Questions

Inventions and Inventors GK Quiz Question and Answer helpful for all competitive exams.

Who invented AeroplaneOrville & Wilbur Wright in 1903
Who invented Air Conditioning ?Willis Carrier in 1902
Who invented Barometer ?Evangelista Torricelli of Italy in 1644
Who invented Ball-Point Pen ?John J. Loud of U.S.A. in 1888
Who invented DNA Structure ?Crick(UK), Waston(US), Wilkins(UK) in 1951
Who invented Laser ?Charles H. Townes
Who invented Locomotive ?George Stephenson was first to buit steam locomotives.
Who invented Logarithms ?John Napier (Scotland) invented Logarithm
Who invented Machine Gun ?Helge Palmcrantz, Swedish inventor and industrialist
Who invented Helicopter ?Igor Sikorsky
Who invented Circulation of blood ?William Harvey of Britain in 1628
Who invented Vaccine of Rabies ?Louis Pasteur of France in 1885
Who invented Vitamin A ?Mc Collum and M.Davis of U.S.A. in 1913
Who invented Vitamin B1 ?Casimir Funk discovered in 1912
Who invented Vitamin C ?Scottish naval surgeon James Lind in 1747
Who invented Vitamin D ?Edward Mellanby discovered Vitamin D while researching a disease called rickets in 1922
Who invented Vitamin K ?Doisy Dam of U.S.A. in 1938.
Who invented by Electric Lamp ?Thomas Alva Edison of U.S.A. in 1879
Who invented CT scan ?Hounsfield by Britain in 1973.
Who invented Electron ?Thomson. J of Britain in 1897
Who invented Floppy disk ?IBM in 1970
Who invented Neutron ?JAMES CHADWICK in 1932
Who invented Refrigerator ?Oliver Evans in 1805
Who invented Safety Pin ?Walter Hunt of U.S.A. in 1849
Who invented Safety razor ?King Camp Gillette of U.S.A. in 1903
Who invented Stainless Steel ?Harry Brearley of Britain in 1913.
Who invented Steam Engine ?Thomas Savery of Britain in 1698
Who invented Steam Engine (Piston)Thomas Newcomen of Britain in 1712
Who invented Steam Engine (Condenser)James Watt of Britain in 1765
Who invented watch ?Peter Henlein invented the first portable time piece in 1504
Who invented Transformer ?Ottó Bláthy
Who invented X-ray ?W.K. Roentgen of Germany in 1895.
Who invented Aspirin ?Felix Hoffmann invented Aspirin
Who invented Chemotherapy ?Paracelsus of Switzerland
Who invented Bacteria ?Leeuwenhock of Netherlands in 1683
Who invented Biochemistry ?Jan Baptista Van Helmont of Belgium in 1648.
Who invented Blood Transfusion ?Jean-Baptiste Denys of France in 1625.
Who invented Morphine ?Friderich Sertumer of Germany in 1805
Who invented Bakelite ?Leo H. Baekeland of Belgium in 1907.
Who invented Ballistic missile ?Wemher von Braun of Germany in 1944.
Who invented Bleaching Powder ?Tennant of Britain in 1798
Who invented Calculus ?Newton of Britain in 1670.
Who invented Bicyle ?Kirkpatrick Macmillan of Britain.
Who invented Television ?John Logie Baird
Who invented Dynamo ?Hypolite Pixii of France in 1832
Who invented Hydrogen bomb ?Edward Teller
Who invented Neon Lamp ?Georges Claude who was a French engineer, chemist and inventor
Who invented Neutron bomb ?Samuel T. Cohen
Who invented paper ?Cai Lun
Who invented Transistor ?Bardeen, Shockley & Britain of U.S.A. in 1948
Who invented colour television ?Peter Carl Goldmark
Who invented Piano ?Bartolomeo Cristofori
Who invented Radar ?Sir Robert Watson-Watt
Who invented Proton ?Ernest Rutherford
Who invented c languageDennis Ritchie
Who invented Radiocarbon ?Willard Libby
Who invented Printing Press ?Johannes Gutenberg
Who invented Relativity Theory ?Einstein of Germany in 1905.
Who invented Stethoscope ?Laennec of French in 1819.
Who invented Submarine ?John Philip Holland
Who invented Super Computer ?Seymour Cray
Who invented Telescope ?Hans Lippershey of Netherlands in 1608.
Who invented Java Language ?James Gosling
Who invented Open Heart Surgery ?Dr. Daniel Hale Williams
Who invented Penicillin ?Alexander Fleming of Britain in 1928.
Who invented Chloroform as anaesthetic ?James Simpson of Britain in 1847.
Who invented Optical Fibre ?Indian-born American physicist Narinder Kapany
Who invented Periodic table ?Dmitri Mendeleev invented Periodic Table
Who invented Atomic Bomb ?J. Robert Oppenheimer of U.S.A. in 1945
Who invented Diesel Engine ?Rudoff Diesel of Germany in 1895
Who invented Atomic numbers ?Moseley of Britain in 1913
Who invented Atomic theory ?Dalton of Britain in 1803.
Who invented Automatic rifle ?John Browning of U.S.A. in 1918.
Who invented Microphone ?Emile Berliner invented the first microphone in 1876.
Who invented Gramophone ?Emile Berliner in 1887.
Who invented Computer ?Charles Babbage
Who invented Laptop ?Adam Osborne in 1981.
Who invented google ?Larry Page
Who invented Nylon ?Wallace Carothers

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